Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Predictions for Best Actor: Demin Bichir ema vote for A Better Life: This relatively unknown actor

January 20, 2012 15:02. Posted by Michel Ferreira Movie1 predicts the Oscars nominations for the 84th Academy Awards. Eight major categories we take a closer look. If our predictions are correct, we know on Tuesday January 24. The predictions for the 84th Academy Awards: Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Actor in a Supporting Role and Best Actress in a Supporting Role.
Predictions for Best Actor: Demin Bichir ema vote for A Better Life: This relatively unknown actor got a surprise nomination for the Screen Actors Guild Awards with his impressive play in this small immigrant drama. The nomination of the actor guild would be a basis for recognition at the Academy. George Clooney for The Descendants: For his beautiful game in Alexander Payne's tragicomedy he won several awards, including the Golden ema vote Globe. The Academy will also remember that Clooney last year scored a hit with the orchestrated by his drama The Ides of March. Jean Dujardin for The Artist: In homeland France he been a movie star. His charismatic lead should lead to an international breakthrough and a coveted nomination. In this Oscar Favorite Michael Fassbender for Shame: This adult drama Fassbender confirmed his current ema vote status as one of the most sought after actors in Hollywood. His bold role as a sex addict should lead. An initial nomination Brad Pitt for Moneyball: His charismatic, seemingly effortless interpretation is further evidence that Brad Pitt is one of the few bona fide movie stars in today's Hollywood. Predictions for Best Actress: Glenn Close for Albert Nobbs: Even though the critics for the entire film quite economical, the lead actress is all praise. Almost thirty years did Close to bring about. The play Albert Nobbs to the big screen Her passion is at least worth a nomination. Viola Davis for The Help: Since the Oscar nomination for her powerful supporting ema vote role in Doubt (2008), it was only a matter of time before Hollywood ema vote superstar gave the theater a role which she could again leave an indelible impression. That time has finally come to her demure role in one of the biggest surprise hits of last year in America. Rooney Mara for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: Should the film and director David Fincher to hit the spot, then the Academy still also need to nominate the great protagonist. Meryl Streep ema vote for The Iron Lady: Her seventeenth Oscar nomination is a given. The key question is whether she finally wins the prize for the third time. Michelle Williams for My Week With Marilyn: Despite her enormous talent, everyone was still skeptical whether they managed to catch the elusive mystique in this biopic of the legendary Marilyn Monroe. Given the multiple critics prices and they already won Golden Globe, Williams has enough people to convince. With the members of the Academy will probably be no different. Predictions for Best Actor in a Supporting Role: Kenneth Branagh for My Week with Marilyn: The British ema vote actor always seemed destined to become ever idol Laurence ema vote Olivier to portray. Albert Brooks for Drive: In America, he is known for years as a comic genius. Nobody could have guessed that he could portray. Intense such nasty psychopath Still managed to pry out of the hands of rival Christopher Plummer. ema vote Loose some critics prices ema vote Jonah Hill for Moneyball: The neurotic troublemaker of Knocked ema vote Up and Superbad surprised friend and foe with a modest - but not humor weaned - role. His scenes with lead actor Brad Pitt are the undisputed highlights in this baseball drama. Nick Nolte for Warrior: After some lean years, this veteran started the comeback as the father of two rival brothers in this acclaimed sports drama. Christopher Plummer for Beginners: This 82-year veteran drag right one after another price within his moving portrayal of a man who comes out of the closet at elderly age. Predictions for Best Actress in a Supporting Role: Brnice Bejo for The Artist: This Française delivered a charming and energetic rendition off as a movie star from a bygone era. Jessica Chastain for The Help: This talented actress broke through last year with a series of excellent roles in acclaimed films (The Debt, The Tree of Life, etc.). The inevitable nomination she will get her moving game in her biggest commercial hit. Melissa McCarthy for Bridesmaids: This spicy lady stole the show in the most surprising komediehit of 2011. Octavia Spencer for The Help: This veteran broke contact with her beautiful portrait of a wisecracking maid. Spencer also won the Golden Globe in the same category. Shailene Woodley for The Descendants: This tragicomedy contains a strong actor ensemble. Besides leading actor George Clooney is mainly from the game

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