Tuesday, February 17, 2015

No I Do Not. But when I watch people to demolish the self-confidence and creating plenty of like a

- Did you watch the show before you join?
No I Do Not. But when I watch people to demolish the self-confidence and creating plenty of like a circus environment rating understood that winning the show. We found our competitors offer constructive criticism. I really love teaching.
The man most likely. When I first started the program Adam was: "Oh, poor thing. Let's help him. Poor Colombian girl can not speak hardly any English. "But two hours after the start of the program my claws came out.
He was surprised and said he thought I was fragile. Working with men and sometimes it can be difficult to be the only girl among them. I think there are unsafe side; but I learned that I need to be a person that can take a joke. I personally need to do is misunderstood joke. There are some jokes that are made every minute of the day. I myself had to exercise them. You know, the music industry is ruled by men. 98% of the people I work with is going men. Producers, arrangers, oscar academy award musicians and technicians ...
Overall this is something about having a sense of humor. Must be humble when you need a little bit. It is certainly helpful in understanding their weaknesses. That is a good tool!
Miranda is doing this season, the team consultant. It's not Blake, my team (laughs). The job very well indeed. I met a lot of people lost contact with reality in this market. Sudden fame can come heavy.
I reached in small steps to success. I looked in small doses taste of fame. My career started with winning the 10-year-old music competitions. On birthdays, I was singing in company oscar academy award meetings. I met a 13-year-old record producer oscar academy award and "Material Girl" filled a bowl with the song. I shook hands with each radio up to Ryan Seacrest from Honduras and I was famous enough that I looked a day. But there is, I'm still hungry! But I'm not against hunger fame. My hunger that still need to prove to myself I can do against.
In the beginning, yes. However, Gerard likes a little fuller. Not like very thin women (laughs). This raises the pressure on me. There's a lot to worry about already. I do not do this month exercise, because both an album to finish and I have a baby. Also I love the cakes were served. oscar academy award
Q: Yes, I talk like this, what should we do? You know, Sofia and I lived near each other in Barranquilla. oscar academy award There were a few blocks from us. Our accent is evident when we come together in a true sense.
You do not understand a single word (laughs). I've known him since the time he was blond. When it comes to the United States painted with dark hair. Latin profile need to draw. But I am in favor of not more blonde again. Brigitte Bardot seemed sarışınk that.
For Sure. Developing such a turn was grown in a developing country to my eyes, I could not resist. In Colombia, human rights education, sometimes not, is regarded as a luxury. Also do not be among the priorities of many of the leading educational issues. Reputation me to use my voice and platform for those who announce that I have committed myself sound granted. The Barefoot Foundation provides education to children living in extreme poverty. We have established six schools in Colombia, we are working in South Africa oscar academy award and Haiti. We provide training to 5,000 students.
Q: When I was little, my father lost everything. That's why so many people oscar academy award turned her back. We lost everything in one night; our car, our furniture ... I remember quite well that time. But I remember what I had, because my mom and dad then had to explain to me what my priorities are.
They showed school children who will go or where to live. I had no belongings, perhaps, but I had training. I know I need to reach my dreams. But I will never forget those children. AmAyAcAklArdI have a lot in no time. I have the real thing Bense to: Opportunity! I would also managed ...
I have to say: the sun was born. I began to understand what I want. Was the turning point for me. Everything seemed complex and if God was making me feel like a bad joke. He did not kidding. My eyes were opened.
But working with him was perfect. I think he's the sexiest woman on the planet. Ultimately we both girls and the Caribbean. Incredible oscar academy award chemistry between us was good and true. He taught me a lot of choreography and really oscar academy award sweet teacher.
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