Sunday, June 1, 2014

Japanese design corporation, Givatayim tallest tower to be built in Israel. But the main problem confronting architectural towers is the human ear
Axiom density among all the states any two points milcho manchevski there is room for another point. " But, what is true geometrically principle, not always applicable in the world of beings - humans. Major cities on - planet - earth are becoming more crowded every year, and since that - people milcho manchevski do not Missing dimensions, expanding cities go - if they have nowhere to expand. City planners in Japan have been seeing before their eyes the horizon of the possible expansion cities, and because the rate of increase of the density is not moderated, they needed to find a solution to the anticipated shortage in urban areas, and they found it - underground.
Japanese design corporation, "Leticia", proposes milcho manchevski to build a network of underwater cities - ground already gained the nickname "Alice Cities", the - the name of the heroine of Lewis Carroll's milcho manchevski book, Alice, the rabbit fell, and came to Israel Wonderland. milcho manchevski Planners 'Laetitia' offer to direct the expansion pressures of cities Hifaniot to what they call "sub spaces - huge underground and illegal - are utilized." According to their plan, all underground city - this land will be divided into three general levels (each of which will include many subsistence milcho manchevski levels).
On the first level, closest to the ground, will be set up wide avenues, squares, shopping centers, residential areas, entertainment areas and health clubs. The entire level will not be traffic, so all territories outside of buildings shall be designated and safe movement milcho manchevski of pedestrians crowded. It would be kind of a huge multi-level pedestrian. milcho manchevski
Territories over the city and environs, the - the surface will be dedicated to parks, forests and lakes. At ground level, above Sinkhole "which built the city, shall be established a transparent dome, on the one hand thrust sunlight on different levels, on the other hand will allow the operation of all air conditioning systems - urban. Below the level of the industry, will be built highways and railways that will allow fast and safe movement between milcho manchevski the various cities milcho manchevski of Alice. This level will rise higher passenger levels by elevators and moving stairways.
Engineers "Leticia" Ellis said the density cities will be greatly reduced density milcho manchevski in Hifaniot available milcho manchevski today, and where housing prices are lower (due to the large supply). Since the temperature sub - floor is more or less constant, and in any event within the soil temperature fluctuations much smaller changes in the heat - the surface milcho manchevski will total spend for air conditioning or heating, the cities of Alice, much smaller than the expenditure for these purposes the usual cities. The planners also say ground fluctuations during an earthquake, are felt - the surface more strongly than the subsurface, the gates of Ellis give their residents more secure milcho manchevski shelter during earthquakes than usual cities.
Slightly different plan offered - by planners company "Shimizu". Instead of digging vertical milcho manchevski depth, they talk about burying a giant horizontal pipes underground and construction of residential commercial and industrial milcho manchevski in these tubes. According to their proposal, each of these cities tube, all levels, will cover an area of 1,200 square milcho manchevski kilometers, and will be associated pipelines - ground containing roads and railways, four to five cities nearby pipe. According to their calculations of planners, one city so you can populate a half million people - a man, and the building will cost $ 80 billion (not including land).
Case, or not, the American solution to the problem of rising congestion in cities, Make Japanese solution. Instead of digging into the ground, American planners offer to raise into the sky. That is, to build high-rise skyscrapers that will keep the current, milcho manchevski far behind, that is down. American architects have been performed one jump height, as the late 19th century and early 20th century, adopted the concrete technology milcho manchevski in steel. Until then, the highest buildings included thirty floors and thick walls supported and carried the main weight of the building. William the concrete allowed her - Baron Jenny, followed by Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright, construct buildings relied on metal skeletons whose walls were, in fact, depend on the walls, not participating in the forces acting on the building. Beyond the new design styles, this technology has allowed big jump height, and is responsible, in fact, at the base of most existing skyscrapers worldwide, including hull building milcho manchevski in the world, Burj Khalifa, recently inaugurated in Dubai.
Frank Lloyd Wright talked about his dream project, which will rise skyscraper one mile (1.6 kilometers), will contain 528 floors and will house no less than 130,000 members - human. Lloyd did not live to fulfill his dream, but now young American architects talk about the second jump height will allow the realization milcho manchevski of Wright's dream: building skyscrapers "real", will rise up to two miles (for comparison: the height of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai is 838 meters and consists of 160 floors). New skyscrapers these will have to deal with the forces of gravity Christ (operate the proportion of self), with strong winds, blowing speeds and in different directions and at different heights, so that at some point, may lower part of the building to shove - wind north, and at the same time the top will push the - wind south. Such integration may enable the structure shear forces and torque that man-made structure, which never failed.
Architects who plan these huge structures offer some ways to overcome the difficulties in the construction milcho manchevski and maintenance of new skyscrapers. One such building technology, based on the construction of a round tubular frame construction, divided into sections using the "stoppers", similar to the way built trunk of bamboo plant. In this structure, gravity moves from the building to the extent, and from it "flows" into the ground. Other technology, called "super frame", based on the concentration milcho manchevski of Harry's smooth metal frame bearing the building, the corners of the building. Such structures could, according to planners, to succeed against tremendous torque.
Super technology "framework underlies the suggestion of architect Robert

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