Monday, September 1, 2014

Third day of moose hunting indie spirit awards season, it will be Wednesday. We have a bull and a c

Third day of moose hunting indie spirit awards season, it will be Wednesday. We have a bull and a calf remains on the award. In the afternoon we would hunt the area where my farm is located. As if by chance, I took home the pass. So I could put the car in the car park and trudge down to the tower at the edge of the sheep pasture. From the tower there is a fine view over the wetland pasture indie spirit awards and a wooded indie spirit awards bog. After one quarter of the tower, indie spirit awards I noticed a deer 100 m away. The distance indie spirit awards I have measured previously for övningsskyttets indie spirit awards sake. He behaved a little strange. Was reluctant to move too much. A goat with two kid also passed. During the hours we chased Såten moved buck 25 meters. Through the binoculars, I saw that he was limping and even ate grass landscape. indie spirit awards When the hunt was called off, I chatted with hunting guide and got the green light to shoot the animal because Elkhound was disconnected. I waited for a while until the buck turned broadside to the ball before I let go. The buck collapsed. As usual, I shot high. Once I ripped the spine of a tick. When I think back, I have enough of my escapade 3.2 deer in this way. By sliding back and destroy parts of the (front) seat. I walked up to the buck. Then I saw why he was limping. One hoof lacking! I took from him and bar him up to the farm. In the barn, I skinned him and hung him in my viltkyl. Hoof and skull, indie spirit awards I put in the freezer. I really do not remember if I put the skin in the freezer or directly on the food ... A few days later I called to SVA. They were interested to look at the hoof. When I mentioned that I had a fox in the freezer, they wanted it too. In this way, the entire procedure was funded by SVAS investigation of the occurrence of the tapeworm of foxes. The following is SVAS report of the autopsy of rådjursklöven: AUTOPSY AND radiographic Tendon of deer, reportedly left foreleg, indie spirit awards from bending. Of the front leg is the lower part, below the knee until it sent. On foothills missing hooves, klövben, kronben and most of kotbenen. The top portion indie spirit awards of kotbenens benpipor protrude through a substantially hopläkt skin. The pin end seen a sharp purulent inflammation of soft tissue and bone with extensive dissolution of the skeleton. The leg has been X-rayed indie spirit awards without traces of metal fragments demonstrated. DIAGNOSIS: Trauma (external force), suppurative bone and bemmärgsinflammation (purulent osteomyelitis). COMMENT: Råbocken have suffered any for of external violence that injured her foot. Either the lower parts of the foot torn off, or a damage have been the gateway for an infection that led to the tissue in the lower parts of the foot dead (gone necrosis) and then fallen indie spirit awards off. The surface of the pin end has since healed of. Sometimes one feels that it has done a really good deed when one hands down an animal. This was one such occasion. Other times when I felt the same satisfaction has been good when I shed traffic wounded game or other sick animal, eg scabies foxes.
Älgflugornas Lord carbon indie spirit awards offsets from 1.12 in 2012 for the CO2 emissions contribute to his quest by allowing plant one tree in the VI Agroforestry for every 50 mil he runs because of hunting / shooting. Read more here. Supplements: because it is a part of cold starts during indie spirit awards hunting so every trip is rounded to the nearest higher 10 or so miles. indie spirit awards
From the EU Habitats indie spirit awards & Species: The main purpose of this Directive is to promote the maintenance of biodiversity, taking indie spirit awards into account economic, indie spirit awards social, indie spirit awards cultural and regional requirements, this Directive makes a contribution to the overall objective, which is a sustainable development. indie spirit awards To maintain biodiversity, it may in some cases be necessary to maintain or even promote human activities.
Älgflugan (älglusen), lipoptena Cervi, is the scourge of all and one was staying in the forest. Historically, Linnaeus, the first describing the scientific. But then it was unusual in Sweden. First, in connection with the 1970-80 älgexplosionen century indie spirit awards it became ubiquitous. Now, it may probably be classed indie spirit awards as very common. There are archeological findings of älglus. The generally familiar mummy Ötzi from the border area between Austria and Italy had älglöss clothes. Ötzi died around 3300 BC The blog and Facebook page Älgflugornas Lord is about hunting and the various phenomena associated with hunting. It could be food, ecology, politics or history. Anyone who follows the blog get to see. The blog pictures are usually taken by Älgflugornas lord, some of Hanse's wife. More pictures from Älgflugornas Lord everyday you will find on Instagram.
Gamekeepers Artemis, aka Missan. A tyskterriertik born September indie spirit awards 2011 Mouse and plucky with great wildlife interest. Missan have a great interest in all hoofed game and a half dozen trains animals were shot for her first season. She goes into the pot to call but easily over hoofed game instead. In July 2013, she made aptitude test pot with plenty indie spirit awards signify. Tracking Trained and have shown sharpness in tracking situations. indie spirit awards Blog posts about Missan can be found here

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