Saturday, August 30, 2014

90% of all posts, she writes oscar live about what a shame it is for her as a Muslim, this must be

Topper worse in Muslim Scan?
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Published: November 6, 2013 at 13:28 under the category Multiculturalism .Kommentera happy article, but then observe common netiquette. Keep a friendly tone and a weak level of arguments. Stick to the subject of the article. Exposed is not responsible for the content below then we do not förhandsmodererar comments before they are posted. You are yourselves fully responsible for what you write.
Confused oscar live lady! Confused people usually sooner or later get caught for anything sectarian. Islam apparently grabbed her first, or is she just left an old sow who have taken the plunge and converted?
Interesting posts coming from one that supports an ideology in which to kill or enslave those who do not belong to the ideology. She talks about that SD is racist, and that alone is a right stupid written. Would be great if Carolina took and looked at what Islam is. But one question, I guess Carolina mean that Islam is a good religion, but where's the good in murdering those who convert from Islam, what is the "mother of Arta" oscar live den. she is self-conscious oscar live about skullehon in the future convert from Islam, she should be murdered, she is murdered in a Muslim country like tea x Sweden so the killer is not punished if it is a Muslim who murders her. little OT, Islam and slavery
That quote does not feel right when I'm back at me, strange. Are some Swedish guys / men so stupid that they run with such language? Do me heard similar from a different "kind" male self. Incidentally, there are places on this planet where this religion is the overwhelming majority, would be well a great place to stay for those who are primarily Muslim. Surrounded oscar live by its own, feel the togetherness and respect you desire.
90% of all posts, she writes oscar live about what a shame it is for her as a Muslim, this must be a girl who feels extremely bad and therefore let God control over her life to self avoid taking their own decisions. Religion is for people who have low self-esteem to self-determination over their lives, no human right mind would let a fictional character control over oneself.
She can start by taking off her veil and stop representing mono ideology and murderous sect (270 million murdered so far) lslam. Before she starts oscar live talking about respect and democracy. As to hear Himmler talk about respect for the Jewish people about. Does not actually take a man seriously who does not clearly distance themselves from this vile ideology. I feel exactly the same disdain and disgust for Islam to Fascism, Nazism and Communism. And this woman is no exception, as long as she is part of this movement.
Since then it's obviously not OK if it happened now. That she had been harassed in different ways for their participation in this murder cult. No one should of course have to be punished for that as little been brainwashed oscar live into this movement or to man as weak talented voluntarily agreed later in life.
Akesson sets up politically to make Sweden a safer and better place to live. Muslim Skan pulls the veil to make Sweden an insecure and worse place to live. Dont understand how she has the gall to equate their situation with Åkessons?
Be thankful they spit you have received, they are a sign of love for the woman and her rights. What you represent is a misogynist murderous ideology rather stones women to death than see them as equals in society! Congratulations you have found spiritual peace in hell religion of Islam!
4000 Islamists like her confused text. Yet another proof that converts are the most fanatical. oscar live
Ahhhhh ... A communist oscar live bride in the sense that the quantity goes for quality. oscar live As you grow older you will discover that it is not very fun to be a walking masturbationsenhet for the guys that are ready in minutes and then let you get by on your own. Literally. But we all have different preferences in terms of sex, so I will not condemn what you do. Do you find pleasure in it so continue by all means.
To snap the fly comes probably most of "wog" våldtäksmen raging around Sweden and ang. Islamist-whore, you are stupid for real all the Swedish girls when that gets called for "svenne whore" creep back under the rock you came from
I think she has a point (in the first FB-picture). It is not justifiable to violate either one direction or a

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