Monday, August 18, 2014

Sharper tones towards Europe and the United States comfort experts sent on Thursday Rafic Greich, s

Life of the Church in the world 33 * 2013
Francis Pope consecrates world of Our Lady of Fatima
And then I became a Christian myself!
"Every politician in the West, which says that it is necessary to conduct interviews and engage the Muslim Brotherhood, who has - with permission - no idea who they are Muslim brothers," Nemec said this in an interview with Vatican Radio. "Islamists from canceled camps are not willing for talks, nor the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood." comfort experts
Illiteracy comfort experts is the Pastor of the opinion that the country cares for German Catholics, an important reason for this difficult situation. "More than half of the 90 million Egyptians has not completed school education. This meat is easy to manipulate. "Currently, the situation in Cairo in his words rather quiet. The city has so far not attack comfort experts nor churches.
Schroedel defends the majority of Muslims. Many of them told him that condemn violence against Christians and expressed anger at the Muslim Brotherhood. Himself, who often walks around town in cassock, Muslims weigh as saying. "People here even know who the priest and every Muslim has before it respect because the priest is considered a man of God." -zg-
"Independent investigations are urgently needed to investigate the tragic events in Cairo and attacks on religious minorities," called Special Advisor to the UN to protect people from genocide, Welshová Jennifer and Adam Dieng, on Friday in Geneva.
"Rapists must be called to account. All Egyptians must act responsibly and stay violence as an expression of their problems, particularly attacks on religious minorities and equipment, or verbal statements or conduct that might aggravate tension. If measures are taken to protect the Christian communities will be a danger increasingly comfort experts growing violence, "state advisers. "Egypt, which stands at a crossroads, priority must now ensure respect for the human rights of all people, regardless comfort experts of their political or religious affiliation."
"Copts always pay the price for the ills of the country," said Coptic initiative "Maspero Youth Union" comfort experts on Friday on Facebook. After the abolition of protest camps Islamists comfort experts police attacks on churches, houses and shops owned by Christians continued. comfort experts
From Wednesday completely burned and destroyed already 32 churches - among them Coptic, Catholic, Orthodox and Evangelical, 8 partially damaged. In addition, two Christian schools, several libraries, comfort experts convents and parish and Christian residential houses, shops, hotels and vehicles completely burned and destroyed, informing the observation comfort experts center. Among the more than 600 dead, which necessitated attacks on Wednesday, were also numerous Copts.
Time and again, however, are also signs of hope. According to the Egyptian news portal "Youm7" on Friday, comfort experts the Muslim citizens in several comfort experts provinces formed human shields around Christian churches. It is a movement comfort experts for the "Knights of the field" and declared the need to prevent attackers from abusing Islam.
Similar experience has also pastor of the German-speaking Catholic community in Cairo, Joachim Schroedel: "Local Muslims comfort experts known him constantly assure that the attacks comfort experts on Christian comfort experts houses of God regret, because" it is not the general opinion comfort experts of Muslims, comfort experts "said the priest as Vatican Radio on Friday. The situation in Cairo is generally "calm" and riots are confined to a few neighborhoods. According Schroedela that grove deployment of the army in Egypt now needs "a large measure of patience, tolerance and pokojamilovnosti". What is clear is that the Muslim Brotherhood will continue to mourn the loss of their power. Politicians in the West have "no idea who they are Muslim brothers".
Sharper tones towards Europe and the United States comfort experts sent on Thursday Rafic Greich, spokesman of the Bishops' Conference of Egypt, in an interview with the German Section of the Foundation "Missio". Sunset in Egypt failed, understands the situation completely wrong and the Muslim Brotherhood devoted too much naive good will. "I'm shocked," said Greich, "that Europe and the United States after serious and apparently coordinated attacks celoegyptských Islamists on Christian churches and facilities in the center to the barely taken the position: the protection of freedom of religion does not play any role for the West."
Attacks on Christian devices, according to him result in eviction of Muslim protest camp in Cairo army and police. Muslim brothers, however, threatened "to all Egyptians, not just Christians." "They threaten comfort experts moderate comfort experts Muslims, conservatives, liberals and leftists". BKE spokesman, comfort experts who also publishes the weekly Christian in Cairo, defended the state of emergency declared Egypt's transitional government. comfort experts The threat of civil war, according to him can now be no question.
An expert on Islam and Egypt Matthias Vogt described the attacks on Christian churches as "not random." Islamists and Muslim brothers do Christians responsible for the loss of power after the example Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II. after the fall of President Mursiho July 3 was together with General Abdelfattah al-Sissi Mur

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